Hand Kissing

Utusan Malaysia front-paged a report about several Islamic scholars unanimous agreement that hand kissing is not unIslamic and felt it is in fact encouraged.
Johor Mufti Datuk Nooh Gadut said hand kissing was not against Islam as long as it is not meant to worship them.
This was in response to a report that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia who decreed that his people stop kissing his hand because the practice was against Islamic teachings and lower one's dignity.
Perak Mufti Datuk Harussani Zakaria concurred.

"Muslims should avoid greetings that were not in line with Islamic teachings such as rubbing nose, kissing cheeks, or embracing one another."
"Don't overdo the show of respect. It must be based on real intentions."
Did Mufti Kader inform his view to Mahathir and Rafidah?
How do you think Mahathir would react to his point?
"Muslims should avoid greetings that were not in line with Islamic teachings such as rubbing nose, kissing cheeks, or embracing one another."...so heart-warming....
"Muslims should avoid greetings that were not in line with Islamic teachings such as rubbing nose, kissing cheeks, or embracing one another."so heart-warming
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